An Ode to The Shed

Our Secretary’s had a bright idea

That at our AGM this year

He feels it worthwhile for us to mention

Matters that gain the Town’s attention

Proudly showing the Shed’s progress

With due reference to this year’s success

So I thought I’d chip in and have my say

With a few words in rhyme today

A bunch of chums meet each week

Making things out of oak and teak

(Well, pallets mostly but that doesn’t rhyme)

Mostly retired but still in their prime

They really make a fantastic team

All volunteers for a brilliant scheme

Spending their time for the general good

Making stuff from reclaimed wood

Working conditions are all top drawer

Start at 9.30 and finish at four

We’re not allowed to go on strike

But take a holiday whenever we like

And although there is no staff canteen

We’re free to bring our own cuisine

At lunch, it’s time to eat our bites

Chat and put the world to rights

Some have salad – it’s low on calorie

And saves on cost ‘cos there is no salary

If we’re lucky, someone brings a cake

For us to share at afternoon break

Woodwork’s the mainstay of the Shed

So it’s lucky our membership includes Fred

His skill is endless, he’s quite a lad

The finest carpenter since Jesus Christ’s Dad!  

Being old doesn’t mean you’re not clever

But learning new stuff can go on forever

If you’ve never picked up a chisel or saw

John Morris will show you what it’s for

Or if it’s a matter electronic

We have a guy who’s supersonic

At renovation, there’s no-one greater

Alan’s just finished a flight simulator.

The boys at Whitchurch Air Cadets

Now sit in comfort flying their jets

On the lathe, Allan’s our apprentice

In his nineties but still compos mentis

Fred’s spent time showing him the ropes

But you’d be amazed how well he copes

Each week his efforts are getting bolder

Turning bowls and the odd candle holder

The stuff we make is all the rage

Just check us out on our Facebook page 

Membership’s not just limited to men

Ladies are welcome to come to our den

Not just Tom, Dick, Harry and his mate

We have lady members like Jean and Kate


This year we lost a founding member

Brian Fox, a man we’ll all remember

Farmer, craftsman and fine woodturner

His skill resulting in quite an earner

The beautiful bowls that Brian makes

Sell every year like hot cakes

At Weston’s annual country show

Filling our coffers with lots of dough

He did so much to help our cause

And rightly deserves our rich applause

A nicer a guy you’ve never met

We remain forever in his debt

It would be remiss if I omitted

To mention two guys who were committed

To ensure their dreams steamed ahead

And so began the Whitchurch Shed

Some years ago at Centre North East

So a vote of thanks at the very least

For David & Geoff, two pioneers

Who’ve taken The Shed through the gears

There’s little more that I can say

They made The Shed what it is today

Just being old doesn’t mean you’re dead

So get yourself down to the Whitchurch Shed!

Maurice Quinn